Articles | Volume 9, issue 5
Original full-length article
24 Sep 2024
Original full-length article |  | 24 Sep 2024

Musculoskeletal infections associated with Nocardia species: a case series

Ryan B. Khodadadi, Jack W. McHugh, Supavit Chesdachai, Nancy L. Wengenack, Wendelyn Bosch, Maria Teresa Seville, Douglas R. Osmon, Elena Beam, and Zachary A. Yetmar


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Short summary
In a multicenter retrospective study of musculoskeletal Nocardia infections (2011–2022), nine cases were identified. Disseminated disease occurred in 33 %, all in solid organ transplant recipients. Surgical intervention was common (89 %), with varied treatment duration (21–467 d). The 1-year mortality was 22%; all fatal cases involved disseminated disease. Localized infection generally had favorable outcomes compared to disseminated disease and requires a collaborative approach for management.