Articles | Volume 8, issue 2
Original full-length article
22 Mar 2023
Original full-length article |  | 22 Mar 2023

The efficacy of antibiotic-impregnated calcium sulfate (AICS) in the treatment of infected non-union and fracture-related infection: a systematic review

Connor C. Jacob, Jad H. Daw, and Juan Santiago-Torres


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Short summary
Sometimes after surgery to repair an injured bone or joint, infection can cause the bone to heal improperly. Surgeons use calcium sulfate to prevent infections in joints after surgery. Calcium sulfate can be impregnated with antibiotics and placed inside the joint, where the bloodstream often cannot deliver intravenous or oral antibiotics effectively. We reviewed 20 years of studies of the effectiveness of calcium sulfate and found high rates of healing and infection eradication.