Articles | Volume 7, issue 3
Original full-length article
17 May 2022
Original full-length article |  | 17 May 2022

Usefulness of serum D-dimer and platelet count to mean platelet volume ratio to rule out chronic periprosthetic joint infection

Ernesto Muñoz-Mahamud, Eduard Tornero, José A. Estrada, Jenaro A. Fernández-Valencia, Juan C. Martínez-Pastor, and Álex Soriano


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Short summary
A patient with normal D-dimer value has a low risk of prosthetic joint infection, so serum D-dimer assessment should always be considered as a useful test to rule out chronic prosthetic joint infection (especially in those cases caused by low-virulence microorganisms in which conventional tests may lead to misdiagnosis). Conversely, the platelet count to mean platelet volume ratio may be of limited value for accurately diagnosing prosthetic joint infection.