Articles | Volume 6, issue 8
Original full-length article
07 Sep 2021
Original full-length article |  | 07 Sep 2021

Cost of off-label antibiotic therapy for bone and joint infections: a 6-year prospective monocentric observational cohort study in a referral centre for management of complex osteo-articular infections

Truong-Thanh Pham, Eugénie Mabrut, Philippe Cochard, Paul Chardon, Hassan Serrier, Florent Valour, Laure Huot, Michel Tod, Gilles Leboucher, Christian Chidiac, and Tristan Ferry


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Short summary
Costs related to off-label expensive antibiotics used to treat bone and joint infections (BJIs) in a referral centre in France were analysed in this cohort study. Despite the large increase in the number of patients treated with these antibiotics, the overall costs remained stable (approximately EUR 1 million) and were helped by the appearance of generic molecules at lower prices. Production of generic antibiotics at low cost is essential to limit the financial burden of the management of BJIs.