Articles | Volume 10, issue 2
Original full-length article
17 Mar 2025
Original full-length article |  | 17 Mar 2025

Multi-centre evaluation of Gram stain in the diagnosis of septic arthritis

Charlotte Smith, Robert J. Maloney, Deborah Wearmouth, Hemant Sharma, Kordo Saeed, Nusreen Ahmad-Saeed, Rachel Annett, Lucinda Barrett, Sara E. Boyd, Peter Davies, Harriet Hughes, Gwennan Jones, Laura Leach, Maureen Lynch, Deepa Nayar, Martin Marsh, Shanine Mitchell, Lynn Moffat, Luke S. P. Moore, Michael E. Murphy, Shaan Ashk O'Shea, Teresa Peach, Christina Petridou, Niamh Reidy, Ben Talbot, Catherine Aldridge, and Gavin Barlow

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Potential value of a rapid syndromic multiplex PCR for the diagnosis of native and prosthetic joint infections: a real-world evidence study
Stéphanie Pascual, Brooklyn Noble, Nusreen Ahmad-Saeed, Catherine Aldridge, Simone Ambretti, Sharon Amit, Rachel Annett, Shaan Ashk O'Shea, Anna Maria Barbui, Gavin Barlow, Lucinda Barrett, Mario Berth, Alessandro Bondi, Nicola Boran, Sara E. Boyd, Catarina Chaves, Martin Clauss, Peter Davies, Ileana T. Dianzo-Delgado, Jaime Esteban, Stefan Fuchs, Lennart Friis-Hansen, Daniel Goldenberger, Andrej Kraševac Glaser, Juha O. Groonroos, Ines Hoffmann, Tomer Hoffmann, Harriet Hughes, Marina Ivanova, Peter Jezek, Gwennan Jones, Zeynep Ceren Karahan, Cornelia Lass-Flörl, Frédéric Laurent, Laura Leach, Matilde Lee Horsbøll Pedersen, Caroline Loiez, Maureen Lynch, Robert J. Maloney, Martin Marsh, Olivia Milburn, Shanine Mitchell, Luke S. P. Moore, Lynn Moffat, Marianna Murdjeva, Michael E. Murphy, Deepa Nayar, Giacomo Nigrisoli, Fionnuala O'Sullivan, Büşra Öz, Teresa Peach, Christina Petridou, Mojgan Prinz, Mitja Rak, Niamh Reidy, Gian Maria Rossolini, Anne-Laure Roux, Patricia Ruiz-Garbajosa, Kordo Saeed, Llanos Salar-Vidal, Carlos Salas Venero, Mathyruban Selvaratnam, Eric Senneville, Peter Starzengruber, Ben Talbot, Vanessa Taylor, Rihard Trebše, Deborah Wearmouth, Birgit Willinger, Marjan Wouthuyzen-Bakker, Brianne Couturier, and Florence Allantaz
J. Bone Joint Infect., 9, 87–97,,, 2024
Short summary

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Potential value of a rapid syndromic multiplex PCR for the diagnosis of native and prosthetic joint infections: a real-world evidence study
Stéphanie Pascual, Brooklyn Noble, Nusreen Ahmad-Saeed, Catherine Aldridge, Simone Ambretti, Sharon Amit, Rachel Annett, Shaan Ashk O'Shea, Anna Maria Barbui, Gavin Barlow, Lucinda Barrett, Mario Berth, Alessandro Bondi, Nicola Boran, Sara E. Boyd, Catarina Chaves, Martin Clauss, Peter Davies, Ileana T. Dianzo-Delgado, Jaime Esteban, Stefan Fuchs, Lennart Friis-Hansen, Daniel Goldenberger, Andrej Kraševac Glaser, Juha O. Groonroos, Ines Hoffmann, Tomer Hoffmann, Harriet Hughes, Marina Ivanova, Peter Jezek, Gwennan Jones, Zeynep Ceren Karahan, Cornelia Lass-Flörl, Frédéric Laurent, Laura Leach, Matilde Lee Horsbøll Pedersen, Caroline Loiez, Maureen Lynch, Robert J. Maloney, Martin Marsh, Olivia Milburn, Shanine Mitchell, Luke S. P. Moore, Lynn Moffat, Marianna Murdjeva, Michael E. Murphy, Deepa Nayar, Giacomo Nigrisoli, Fionnuala O'Sullivan, Büşra Öz, Teresa Peach, Christina Petridou, Mojgan Prinz, Mitja Rak, Niamh Reidy, Gian Maria Rossolini, Anne-Laure Roux, Patricia Ruiz-Garbajosa, Kordo Saeed, Llanos Salar-Vidal, Carlos Salas Venero, Mathyruban Selvaratnam, Eric Senneville, Peter Starzengruber, Ben Talbot, Vanessa Taylor, Rihard Trebše, Deborah Wearmouth, Birgit Willinger, Marjan Wouthuyzen-Bakker, Brianne Couturier, and Florence Allantaz
J. Bone Joint Infect., 9, 87–97,,, 2024
Short summary
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Cited articles

Al-Tawil, K., Quiney, F., Pirkis, L., Birkett, N., and Rooney, A.: Gram stain microscopy in septic arthritis, Acta Orthop. Belg., 87, 553–556, 2021. 
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Short summary
Urgent analysis of joint fluid is a common test in patients with possible septic arthritis (bacterial infection of a joint). One aspect of this test, called the Gram stain, is considered important clinically, but previous single hospital studies have suggested it will miss a considerable number of infections. This large multi-hospital UK study assessed this test and found that it will miss 73 % of infections, questioning its value. More research on rapid tests using new technologies is required.