Articles | Volume 9, issue 3
Original full-length article
28 Jun 2024
Original full-length article |  | 28 Jun 2024

What is the agreement between principles and practice of antibiotic stewardship in the management of diabetic foot infection: an in-hospital quality control study

Noémie Reinert, Katinka Wetzel, Fabian Franzeck, Mario Morgenstern, Markus Aschwanden, Thomas Wolff, Martin Clauss, and Parham Sendi

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Emergence of rifampicin-resistant staphylococci on the skin and nose of rifampicin-treated patients with an orthopaedic-device-related infection
Alexandra Wallimann, Yvonne Achermann, Ciara Ferris, Mario Morgenstern, Martin Clauss, Vincent Stadelmann, Hannes Andreas Rüdiger, Liam O'Mahony, and Thomas Fintan Moriarty
J. Bone Joint Infect., 9, 191–196,,, 2024
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Potential value of a rapid syndromic multiplex PCR for the diagnosis of native and prosthetic joint infections: a real-world evidence study
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J. Bone Joint Infect., 9, 87–97,,, 2024
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Guideline for management of septic arthritis in native joints (SANJO)
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J. Bone Joint Infect., 8, 29–37,,, 2023
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Short summary
We assessed concordance of in-house guidelines for diagnostic principles and antibiotic treatment duration (ABT) 2 years after their implementation. The goal was to standardize diagnostic and treatment principles: are we doing what we recommend? The adherence to recommendations in terms of biopsy sampling was good, moderate for histopathology and poor for anatomic labeling. In terms of ABT duration, the adherence was good, but further shortening for surgically cured cases is necessary.