Articles | Volume 7, issue 6
Original full-length article
21 Dec 2022
Original full-length article |  | 21 Dec 2022

The scientific publication score – a new tool for summarizing evidence and data quality criteria of biomedical publications

Dieter Bettin, Thomas Maurer, Ferdinand Schlatt, and Simon Bettin


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Short summary
The scientific publication score (SPS) summarizes specific publication results. It is organized into five levels (1–5) based on evidence, data and statistical criteria. In risk factors for prosthetic joint infections, the highest scores were noted for anemia, malignancy and previous alloarthroplasty; for diagnosis methods, these were obtained for aspirate leucocyte count, neutrophils over 80 and interleukin-6 level. SPS is a promising new tool for automatic data mining and systematic reviews.