Articles | Volume 7, issue 4
Case report
25 Jul 2022
Case report |  | 25 Jul 2022

Mycobacterium fortuitum osteomyelitis of the cuboid bone treated with CERAMENT G and V: a case report

Kilian Fraga, Miriam Maireles, Marc Jordan, Laura Soldevila, and Oscar Murillo


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Short summary
Bone infection (osteomyelitis) due to Mycobacterium fortuitum, a human pathogen commonly found in soil and water, is a rare disease. Treatment includes antibiotics and surgical removal of infected bone, leaving a bony defect that must be repaired to prevent reinfection and the risk of fracture. Here, M. fortuitum osteomyelitis of the cuboid bone was treated with synthetic antibiotic-loaded cement, successfully resolving inflammation and bone defect filling as well as promoting bone regeneration.